4 January 2012

Lily Pond in Shade

This pond is one of my favourite subjects, I've always been interested in painting water, it's reflections and the effect of sunlight playing with it. It would be good to explore further and make very large canvases painted on site and really get lost in the abstract nature of it all. But in the meantime I'm just exploring and sharing ideas and possibilities.

Lily Pond in Shade. Oil. £99
Click here to see purchase details and website. Click image to see larger


  1. Katselin Töitäsi mielenkiinnolla.
    Kauniita ja ammattitaitoista Taidetta.
    Värejä ja compositiota löytyy.
    Hyvää jatkoa työllesi ja alkaneelle vuodelle 2012...

  2. I second Eko's opinion - beautiful and professional work, you have mastered the colors and composition. Quite an artistic turnout as well!

  3. Son siempre tan inspiradores los juegos de la luz sobre las hojas... Y qué decir sobre el agua.

  4. I love this piece! Just beautiful!


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