12 November 2012

Weathered Doorway

I really enjoyed getting lost with the texture and scruffyness of this old battered doorway and wall, the flaking and crumbling plasterwork and exposed weathered stone was asking to be painted with thick juicy paint, in places I slapped it on with a palette knife!

Fading Light. OIL on canvas panel 6" x 8" £99  (convert) 
To purchase please send me an email


  1. Love your old out buildings! The touches of blue in this one are just right. The textures are nice...love it!

  2. Yes, I can see that you painted this scene with real joy (as of course you do with so much of your work)- I especially love this composition. I have a thing for the straight-on composition with no sharp angles, lots of horizonals and verticals. Love the bright green of the grass against the scruffy walls.

  3. Yes, I can see that you painted this scene with real joy (as of course you do with so much of your work)- I especially love this composition. I have a thing for the straight-on composition with no sharp angles, lots of horizonals and verticals. Love the bright green of the grass against the scruffy walls.


Thank you for your comment.


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