30 January 2015

Old tin candle saucer, (£99)

Beginning to enjoy these still life's, just as well really as it's pretty cold outside!

Old tin candle saucer. oil, 6 x 8 inches. £99

29 January 2015

Enamel Pot and Clementines. (£99)

I found this little blue enamel pot in a Vide-grenier in a small village back in France, I'm sure you'll be seeing it again in the weeks to come.

Enamel Pot and Clementines. OIL. 6 x8 ins. £99

27 January 2015

Clementine and Tin Pot. (£99)

Appologies for the long time away, I have finally sold my little house in France and am in the middle of readjustment and change, but desperate to get back into the 'zone' of painting regularly. This is a little still life with objects I brought back with me.

Clementine and Tin Pot. OIL, £99

10 January 2015

Across the Avon at Stratford. £99

Memories of a very warm summer in Stratford upon Avon. Should I have left the bus out of the picture or not?

Across the Avon at Stratford. oil. 6 x 8 inches. £99

9 January 2015

A stroll through Swalcliffe. £99

I liked this busy little composition of buildings as the late afternoon sun drifted across them, another I think for a much larger work later in the studio.

A stroll through Swalcliffe. £99

7 January 2015

Oatley Hill. £99

I spent almost all day on a small commission, but managed to complete this quick little sketch the image of which in days to come I hope, I'll be able to use for a much larger painting.

Oatley Hill. Oil. 6 x 8 inches. £99

6 January 2015

Late Light, Swalcliffe, £99

I hope you had a lovely Festive time and are looking forward to a good 2015. My workshops started again today and this is the demo I made, my approach is to demo in stages, after each the painters go and work that far and then I do the next and so on until the final stage when I place all the fine details and highlights (the jewellery as some painters call it). It was a bit of a rush today I only spent about 15 minutes on this because I want everyone else to paint! But a bit of tightening up and tidying later at home and thats it.

Late Light, Swalcliffe. Oil, £99


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